Understanding and preventing psychosocial risks in the workplace
Psychosocial risks (PSRs) are a growing challenge in the modern workplace. About 30 of every 1,000 Quebec workers are absent each week because of psychological health problems.1 Heavy workloads aggravated by a lack of resources, complex interpersonal relationships and the rise of remote work are just a few of the factors that can contribute to […]
Boosting productivity and preventing disability: The impact of lifestyle habits in the workplace
Lifestyle habits have a profound impact on performance and workplace wellbeing. Transcending the boundaries between personal and professional life, behaviours adopted outside of work play a key role in employees’ productivity and mental health. This article takes an in-depth look at the influence of lifestyle habits, focusing not only on physical exercise, but also on […]
Workplace mental health is a business imperative
Employee mental health is a crucial issue in today’s workplace. According to the World Health Organization, lost productivity resulting from depression and anxiety costs the global economy US$1 trillion each year. The cost is also steep for the companies that suffer the consequences, such as absenteeism and reduced productivity. So it’s essential that companies adopt […]
What you need to know about the role of the independent medical evaluator
Do you want to give a mandate to an independent medical evaluator in the context of an absenteeism, disability or employment injury file? To ensure efficient, hassle-free management of your medical expertise requests, it’s important that you fully understand the evaluator’s role and its limited scope. Medical expertise in a nutshell First, let’s recap the […]
A COVID-19 infection could constitute an employment injury within the meaning of the Act
Employment injury claims in which COVID-19 plays a crucial role have emerged from the pandemic. Certain important elements are being considered by the courts in order to determine whether a COVID-19 infection could constitute an employment injury within the meaning of the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases (Act). What is an employment injury? […]
Demystifying medical expertise: the independent medical evaluation
Medical expertise is a key tool used to resolve a situation involving a worker’s absenteeism, disability or employment injury. It is one of the best practices that ensure effective case management. Let’s demystify medical expertise, especially the concept of an independent medical evaluation. What is medical expertise? The provision of medical expertise involves formulating an […]
Our tips for writing medical evaluation mandates
A practical guide to simplify the task of drafting an expertise mandate. To ensure that the worker to be assessed is taken care of quickly.
How to reduce the risks of chronicity and disability-related costs
Occupational accidents and illnesses are costly for employees, employers and the economy, especially when these conditions become chronic. Experts agree that prevention is fundamental to reducing absenteeism. But when workers get on the slippery slope to disability, what can be done to promote a successful return to work and reduce the risk of recurrence or […]